CBG: #14

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understood that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.

Hebrews 11:1-3

I hear this a lot. Trust your gut. What does that mean? What does my gut feel like? Gut. It feels like something around my tummy, so around my center. The gut feels rooted deep into purpose. Tummies. They digest and break down food…The gut takes in information and breaks it down…? The gut examines and looks for patterns. Acid breaks down food, killing the germs and leaving the nutrients. (Side: Did you know you can shrink or make the stomach physically smaller and that makes your appetites and desire smaller as well? Oh to make my desires and appetites smaller)…Trust your gut. It processes information so that we eliminate the things that harm us and distribute the things that nourish us. What do things that harm us feel and look like? What do things that nourish and sustain us feel and look like? Trust your gut. Can those in your community reflect back the things and times when you aren’t in health and living in a cycle of harm? Can people also reflect those things and times when you feel excitement, possibility and faith? What’s the wisest, kindest and bravest message your gut is telling you?

Prayer: God, help me to push aside all the distractions and doubts, and exist only in your sanctuary. Please reveal to me, what life and decisions look like if I didn’t have worry, fear or a need for comfort and security. Please reveal to me what a wise, kind and brave living looks like for me.

Creative: Read one of these hope poems and write your own in response.

Brave: Where can you do less today by asking someone for help?

Generous: Who needs your reminder of hope today? Maybe even share that poem…?